We have recently started a Joint Youth Group that includes four churches in the Gig Harbor area. St. John's Episcopal Church, Fox Island United Church of Christ, Agnus Dei Lutheran Church, and Gig Harbor United Methodist Church. This is a pilot project with a Board of Directors and financial support.
Vicki, the program administrator, can be reached at [email protected]
Vicki, the program administrator, can be reached at [email protected]
Youth Sunday SchoolThe Youth (6th- 12th grades) meet Sunday mornings @ 10:00 am to be engaged in a Christian small group that is relational, missional and educational. Sometimes, we discuss the sermon from worship, other times we study scripture in-depth, but we always check-in with one another.
Youth GroupMeets most Sunday nights during the school year, but we always take the last Sunday of the month off. Our summer schedule varies with events, trips, and opportunities to be involved.
Regular Schedule | Sunday Nights Middle School Youth Group | 4:00-5:30p.m. High School Youth Group | 5:30-7:00p.m. You can expect fun, something to learn, something to eat, and even some seriousness as we connect together. We are a group of young people gathered to practice, praise, and seek God's will for our lives. We explore what it means to be a Christian - the type of Christian who puts hands and feet to their faith, reaching out into communities to follow Jesus' example of loving and caring for others... not just the beautiful others. Our youth group celebrates who God made you to be and unapologetically welcomes LGBTQIA+ people. |
ConfirmationWhat is Confirmation:
Confirmation is a year-long class and an experience to explore what you think, feel, know, and believe about yourself, your faith, and your world. Confirmation is our way of helping students learn to question their faith so that it can grow and become a foundation for a lifetime. The classes are also meant to help students learn more about what it means to be part of a congregation, why people choose a place to worship and serve. At the end of Confirmation, a person is given an opportunity to affirm their baptism and choose to join the church. Confirmation class typically meets once-a-month from September through May including 4 evening classes, 1 retreat, and 2 field trips. If you are interested in or have questions about Confirmation in the United Methodist Church, please talk to Pastor Molly. Camps and RetreatsOur Youth Group attends occasional retreats during the year. We encourage our youth to attend one of four UMC Camps and if you regularly attend GHUMC, we even offer 50% of your registration fee. Click here to Learn more.
Mission and ServiceWe engage in mission and service, striving to gain an understanding of others around us and give our time and talents to transform the world. We have a tradition of serving at the FISH Food Bank on MLK day each January.